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As Phinas pharma is following COVID-19, which happens to be a current pandemic all over the world. Learn more on Introduction Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that can cause illnesses such as the common cold, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS). Somewhere in 2019, a new coronavirus was identified...


Thoughts on Cervical Cancer January is a month set aside to create awareness of cervical cancer in Ghana. Current research reveals that, this condition is very preventable yet it’s one of the major cancers killing our women today here in Ghana and in all other parts of the world. It’s...


It has become quite common to walk in to a gymnasium and sign up for aerobic sessions, without knowing what it is all about. Whether enrolling in an aerobic class will help achieve your workout goals. Really what is Aerobics Exercise all about? Aerobics comes from two Greek words; aero...


To understand what antioxidants are and how they work, it’s helpful to know a bit about how oxidation affects the body. The process of oxidation happens as our bodies’ process the oxygen that we breathe and our cells then produce energy from it. We must now understand the key word...

What Detox can do?

Are you always tired? Weak? Dull skinned? Feeling heavy and can’t seem to lose weight? Headaches? Fatigue or sluggishness? Weight fluctuations? Hormonal disruptions? Acne? Rashes? Body odor? Bad breath? Congestion? Trouble with digestion? Muscle aches? Worsening of inflammatory conditions like arthritis? and so on? Your body needs a dEToX! Detox...